Hi there, anyone who visits my blog. You'll notice I haven't written a post since Easter. Sorry. The past year was hectic, and we are in the middle of many changes here at our house.
This past year, my oldest son was in half-day kindergarten. I took him to school and picked him up every day. My youngest son started the process of eliminating naps from his daily routine the past few months, and those two things combined to make busy days for us. I haven't had time to sit and stamp for ages.
Then, I got elected to our district's school board. Then we went on vacation for two weeks. May was hectic, to say the least. Now we are home, and I am trying to get our house reorganized and settled while also adjusting to our new summer routine of being home all day with no school.
Our family life is going through some changes in routine and commitments, and it won't be ending anytime soon. Once August gets here, my oldest will go to first grade all day. Shortly afterwards, my youngest will start going to preschool two mornings each week. My school board position starts in July, and I have yet to realize what, exactly, that commitment will entail in the form of time and effort. My husband will start football clinics, meetings, and games soon, so the next few months will not be slowing down by any means.
I'm not sure where stamping is going to fall in my list of priorities. After the dust settles, I'll figure it all out. In addition, I am re-evaluating things that I spend my time doing, and I'm not sure that blogging is something I will continue to do. So, to those of you who have stopped by to see our workshop projects and things over the past almost two years...
Thanks for stopping by! It was nice to "chat" with you.
This past year, my oldest son was in half-day kindergarten. I took him to school and picked him up every day. My youngest son started the process of eliminating naps from his daily routine the past few months, and those two things combined to make busy days for us. I haven't had time to sit and stamp for ages.
Then, I got elected to our district's school board. Then we went on vacation for two weeks. May was hectic, to say the least. Now we are home, and I am trying to get our house reorganized and settled while also adjusting to our new summer routine of being home all day with no school.
Our family life is going through some changes in routine and commitments, and it won't be ending anytime soon. Once August gets here, my oldest will go to first grade all day. Shortly afterwards, my youngest will start going to preschool two mornings each week. My school board position starts in July, and I have yet to realize what, exactly, that commitment will entail in the form of time and effort. My husband will start football clinics, meetings, and games soon, so the next few months will not be slowing down by any means.
I'm not sure where stamping is going to fall in my list of priorities. After the dust settles, I'll figure it all out. In addition, I am re-evaluating things that I spend my time doing, and I'm not sure that blogging is something I will continue to do. So, to those of you who have stopped by to see our workshop projects and things over the past almost two years...
Thanks for stopping by! It was nice to "chat" with you.